The characters will be organized by level only and not by session of D&D Encounters. Choose the level appropriate character of your liking and go have yourself some fun at your FLGS (Friendly Local Gaming Store) playing the current session of Encounters.
To see the past and present seasons of D&D Encounters, visit here
Pre-generated Characters
Council of Spiders
The All-Drow Party of Pregens
Access all the pregens for this season here
Council of Spiders
The All-Drow Party of Pregens
Access all the pregens for this season here
Level 1
For those who have the character builder and would like to print their sheets with the magic items on them you can download the following .dnd4e files with all the characters at level two. You just have to add your magic items.
Level 2
Belgos - PDF
Brandis - PDF
Fargrim - PDF
Jarren - PDF
Keira - PDF
Valenae - PDF
.dnd4e files - Level 2 Pregens
For those who have the character builder and would like to print their sheets with the magic items on them you can download the following .dnd4e files with all the characters at level three. You just have to add your magic items.
Level 3
Belgos - PDF
Brandis - PDF
Fargrim - PDF
Jarren - PDF
Keira - PDF
Valenae - PDF
.dnd4e files - Level 3 Pregen
Here are some other pregenerated characters courtesy of Hit-on-Crit. Visit them when you get a chance.
Anja - Dwarf Sorcerer
Gladrak - Dwarf Cleric
Quatis - Eladrin Wizard
Shargai - Half-Orc Warlord
Tia Yuan - Human Knight
Zahl - Human Monk