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Monday, December 22, 2014

Go Ahead...Scratch That Itch!

Hey everyone and welcome back.  This week at Recounting Encounters, Derek, Craig and I talk about some of the ways players can scratch the itch for D&D during the holiday season.  

Enjoy and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


Listen HERE, or click the link below to hear the podcast.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Recounting Encounters: DM Tips for 5th Edition

Hey everyone and welcome back.  This week at Recounting Encounters, Derek, Craig and I talk about some of the ways DMs can get the most of the new 5th edition D&D.  It's new and different than most other editions.  We have been playing it for awhile, so we thought we could help out the newcomers by giving some of the observations we experienced in our gameplay.


Listen HERE, or click the link below to hear the podcast.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Recounting Encounters: Etiquette at the Gaming Table

Have you ever been annoyed with some of the things that happen at the gaming table?  Have you ever wanted to tear someone to pieces for some of the stupid things they do?  Here is a little list of do's and don'ts to helping you diplomatically survive D&D.

Click HERE to listen or stream the podcast by clicking the link below.