This week at Recounting Encounters, Derek, Craig, and I have the wonderful opportunity to once again speak to Erik Scott de Bie, author of this season of D&D Enounters: Storm over Neverwinter.
We had so much fun recording this episode; Erik is very forthcoming and has a great sense of humour. We talked about some of the things we had to hold back on for fear of spoilers for the finale of this season of D&D Encounters. Join us as we pick this man's brain for you all during this storm breaking evening with Erik Scott de Bie.
For those of you who do not know Erik, he is the author of the ever popular Shadowbane novels (Downshadow, Shadowbane, and Shadowbane: Eye of Justice), as well as the author of the fist season of D&D Encounters; Halaster's Lost Apprentice and Season 6: The Lost Crown of Neverwinter.
Erik is constantly writing and is coming out with a lot of stuff all the time. Follow him where he is most active at, Facebook, or Twitter.
or click HERE to download this to your computer!
A big thanks goes out to Derek and Craig for helping make this interview work and especially a big thanks to Erik for joining us.
Recounting Encounters is a podcast where we talk about things that worked, didn't work and things that we could change at our table to make public play just that much more interesting. We occasionally have guest speakers (usually an author of the season) to talk about their feeling and thought process behind the creation of such a season.
Thanks to all who listen in.
Here are some of Erik's coordinates:
His personal website with a ton of material -
He can be reached on Twitter @erikscottdebie and Facebook
His email is
If you enjoyed this podcast, join us every week as we talked about what happened at our table.
Recounting Encounters episodes
A Stormy Evening with Erik Scott de Bie
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 8: The Eye of the Storm
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 7: Thunder and Lightning
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 6: Master of Helm's Hold
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 5: Into the Mouth of Madness
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 4: The Ashmadai Strike Back
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 3: City of the Insane
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 2: Lost Boy
Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter Session 1: Lady in Peril
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