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Thursday, May 9, 2013

Recounting Encounters - Storm over Neverwinter - Session 4: The Ashmadai Strike Back

Adventure Background: Storm Over Neverwinter

The frontier city of Neverwinter has persevered in the face of calamity. Yet even as the city rebuilds, an insidious threat rises from within its walls. Neverwinter’s citizens are succumbing to an inexplicable madness, while from the shadows, an evil cult of Asmodeus spins sinister plans. Unless a group of heroes rises to stop these perils, Neverwinter might face an even greater danger on the horizon.

This D&D Encounters season takes characters from levels 3-6. It also includes an optional online component, which allows players and Dungeon Masters to convert the adventure to the D&D Next playtest.

Join us for another great season of the good the bad and the ugly as Derek from, Craig and I recap everything that happened at our gaming table this week.  We talk about what happened during the encounter, some of the changes that we made as DM's and talk about some of things we liked a lot and things we liked not so much.
Session 4 - The Ashmadai Strike Back

This week continues where session 3 ended.  You have defeated the immediate threat at the Beached Leviathan.  As you are resting a little girl named Darla makes herself known and offers the characters a price.  Once you deal with this little Dead Rat, she leads you through the streets of Neverwinter where total chaos has broken out.  Branded people are lashing out and attacking innocent people on the street.  You may decide to help some of these people out, or yo may not.

Darla then takes you to Elden Vargas's house (remember this guy? He is the one arguing with Lady Nidris in the first session) where the Ashmadai and some branded townsfolk are attacking Elden.  They have brought a devil with them.  The party is eventually victorious and Elden asks for their help, gives them each a magic item and a boatload of money and then vanishes.

Chapter 2 is starting next week.  Looking forward to it.

This season looks to be an interesting one so follow us as Craig and Derek follow 4th edition and me as I attempt this season in the DnDNext rules.

It should be interesting so enjoy!!!

Listen to what we have to say by clicking below.

or HERE!

Here is the combat map of the Elden Vargas's. Again, very cool that they have the two levels mapped out.

Map taken from Storm Over Neverwinter booklet

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