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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

D&D Encounters: March of the Phantom Brigade Level 3 Pregens

So comes the culmination point to the excellent season of Dungeons & Dragons Encounters Season 4: March of the Phantom Brigade.  I have taken the time to level up the characters and adding some of the magic items some of my players have acquired over the course of the twelve previous sessions.

I have allowed my players to level for the final encounter.  I find since these players tend to be my regulars, the kind of get fed up only getting to 2nd level and therefore am treating them with the 3rd level characters.

You could possibly use the third level characters for the new season of Dungeons & Dragons Encounters: Dark Legacy of Evard.  I know that some of the organizers/DMs are going to run this season as a 3rd level campaign.

One of the only problems I had with this season's pre-generated characters is that all the DMs or organizers had to level up all the characters themselves.  The one thing I would wish is that WotC would send copies of the pregens at 2nd and 3rd level to facilitate the play at all the FLGS.  I know that most don't mind leveling up the pregens, but it can be a pain in the butt sometimes(especially in my case where I cannot use the character builder in my workplace.

I would even recommend that WotC post on their site, their level 1, level 2, and level 3 pregen CB files for everyone to download.

Without further ado here are the stars of the show:

Second Level Pregens - Here

Thanks for visiting.  Please report if you cannot download the characters.

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